Integrated property management is a service that provides the owner of the property with the ability to have his / her assets managed by an experienced team without having to deal with each member differently. The management team consists of a project manager- leader engineers, lawyers, tax experts, realtors, notaries and accredited value estimators.

Some of the services that apply to the Integrated Property Management are:
- Inspection of the property and check that it is built according to the building permit.
- Risk analysis and risk mitigation.
- Market value estimation.
- Utilisation study.
- Investment planning evaluation through cost benefit analysis.
- Suggestions for improvement/upgrade of the asset.
- Sale and lease promotion.
Integrated property management is a new form of service in Greece, although property owning is deep in Greeks' culture. It is actually more important for the Greeks to own a house that it can be transferred to the children later on than probably any other nationality. However the management of their property is simply none. For example, many expatriates leave the keys of their houses to Greek-based relatives in order to try and find a person to lease it or just for paying the bills. This happened mainly to three reasons:
- The Greek owner hasn't realised yet the property is living organism that deteriorates as the time passes by and needs caring.
- Up until the recession investing in property in Greece gave a very good amount of income in return (mainly between 1960 and 2008).
- The skewed form of development in Greece the years between the '80s and 2005 led to an increase of property demand due to the gradual turn from agriculture to service providing. This led to the owner to be indifferent about maintaining improving the asset.
Nowadays due to the harsh taxes imposed on properties by the Greek government, Integrated Property Management is more essential than ever so as to:
- Avoid excessive tax paying due to the wrong image that the authorities have on your assets' state.
- Find means to reduce asset tax by managing your share to the asset.
The reasons to implement Integrated Property Management are many. This type of projects demand multi-disciplinary coordination so as to achieve the best outcome. Engineers, lawyers, realtors, tax experts, notaries and value estimators need to co-operate under the leader, project manager. The owner then would only have to deal with one person, the project manager so he / she saves time, money and most importantly the risk for establishing and organising the project team is transferred from the owner to the project manager